5 Key KPIs for your digital campaigns

5 KPIs fundamentales para tus campañas digitales


There is no effective digital marketing campaign if it is not accompanied by a strategy and objectives to be met. For this there are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which measure the effectiveness of the actions and indicate whether we are on the right track or if the strategy needs to be perfected.

Now, each campaign has different objectives … How do you know which KPIs you need to measure, and optimize your campaign based on them? The first thing you need to be clear about is the objective you want to achieve. Then, search in our “Top 5 of fundamental KPIs for digital campaigns” those that best suit the needs of your campaign.

5 key KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your digital campaigns


This is the indicator that tells us how many times an ad is displayed to all users. It is usually the highest of all digital indicators, being one of the main to measure Brand Awareness (brand recognition) campaigns.

In turn, this KPI is related to the CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions). With it, we measure how much it costs us for our ad to be shown a thousand times, thus determining its profitability and that of the campaign.


Every conversion starts with a click, which is why it is so important to measure them from the beginning of a campaign. With this, we control the performance and interest of the users.

CPC (Cost Per Clic)

In a PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign, it is important to monitor the Cost per Click or CPC, since, with it, we will be able to analyze if the ad with the objective of web traffic is profitable or not.

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

This indicator shows us the number of clicks a link gets in relation to the number of ad impressions. It is presented as a percentage and is used to measure the impact that the digital campaign is obtaining.

To calculate it, we must divide the number of clicks by the number of impressions and then multiply it by 100. With this KPI we can determine how much web traffic has increased to the destination of the link placed in our ad, as well as determine the level of interest from the user.


We obtain a lead when a user gives his data to a company and, thus, becomes a record in its database. The company uses the lead to act and perform other valuable actions, interacting with it and nurturing it with content to lead it to conversion. Monitoring the acquisition of new leads will allow us to measure the impact the campaign is having.

When we use this KPI, we will most likely also have to use the Cost per lead (CPL) indicator. With it, you will be able to see how much money the company has invested to capture each of the records, and thus define the profitability of the project. Both indicators are indispensable in customer acquisition campaigns.

Bonus: Frequency

Although it is not a KPI as such, it is important to monitor it to avoid your ad being shown too many times to the same user.

Frequency is defined as the average number of times a user sees your ad during a given period of time. Although it is advisable to have a frequency between 1-2.5 to generate awareness and brand recall, it could become repetitive if we exceed these values. Ideally, the frequency of your campaign should be 3, that is, your ads should be seen by a user between 1 and 3 times.
