Offline media planning: What is the difference between audience and coverage?

Advertising is not an unplanned action. The picture given by Mad Men-style TV series, where companies try their chances and take a risk, is nothing more than a mistake.

Every marketing action requires strategic planning, which follows communication objectives that, in turn, are guided by business objectives. Therefore, it is essential to measure the results obtained, in addition to having a broad knowledge of the meaning of each of the metrics, as each one collaborates with the fulfillment of the suggested objectives.

What is offline planning and do they still have advertising influence?

These are traditional promotional marketing actions, which are carried out outside the online environment. Their action is of a massive nature, and although the appearance of local media or media referring to a topic allows for a certain segmentation, their reach is focused on a collective action, especially if we compare it with the influence of digital media campaigns.

These media include the press, magazines, Out of Home (OOH), radio and television. The latter continues to take up a large part of users’ free time, with prime time being the time when the greatest coverage is achieved and where marketing actions can achieve great success and an excellent return on investment.

On this post, we tell you a little bit about the most used metrics at offline planning, what are their benefits and how to determine their level of influence in relation to the advertising insertion.

Coverage in Offline Advertising: The Total Universe

Coverage or reach is the percentage of users belonging to a target audience impacted at least once by the campaign.

This metric takes into consideration whether a person has been able to see the same campaign more than once, being an indicator that leads us to the first step of message recognition and visibility. However, it does not determine the relevance of the advertising campaign, only the number of users exposed to it.

The audience of offline advertising: Who has been interacting with the advertising action?

The audience has a significant role to play in the analysis of the target and the effect of the message within it. This indicator refers to the number of individuals who declare to come into contact with a medium or support during a given period of time. 

This type of estimation is indispensable for tactical decision making, both in the planning process and in the media buying process. 

The purpose of this indicator is to determine the number of individuals who may consider an advertising action relevant, and there are different types of audiences to determine the different types of impacts.

The importance of integrating a broad mix of online and offline advertising media:

Over the years and with the advent of new trends, offline advertising has shown that it is not going to disappear. Times change, but that does not mean that traditional media are obsolete. They are adapting, they have even redefined their function, becoming more relevant within the advertising landscape.

The most recommended strategy is to merge both online and offline fields, collaborating in the same direction and meeting similar objectives. At SomosSapiens, we know the benefits of integrating a varied mix of media in both online and offline advertising, offering 360º strategies that seek to achieve the objectives set. 

With this type of proposals, we offer campaigns with maximum coverage, effectiveness and notoriety that allow us to provide a quality service and the necessary boost to the brands that have placed their trust in us.